
    Be it ever so humble, there’s no place like homepage, and this is ours. It’s a self-guided tour, so feel free to wander about, and kindly save your questions for the end.

    If you’re some kind of important and good-looking blogger/game reviewer/media personality, download our Press Kit and help yourself to our humble yet earnest offerings.

What We’re Doing

    We are gamesmiths (that’s a thing, right?) who want to shake up this whole app thing by injecting a little irreverence into your phones, tablets, or whatever tiny mobile computing devices you happen to own. Frankly, we think most apps are a bit too “safe” and “politically correct”, so we’re leading the charge into a bold, opinionated tomorrow!

Who the Hell We Think We Are

    We are a group of lifelong buddies who are making the games we’ve been dreaming about for years. We forged the bonds of our friendship the same way everyone else does: ill-advised adventures, cutting insults, pop-culture references, and an unhealthy fear of that which we do not understand. We make a spicy infusion out of all that stuff and marinate our products in it for at least four hours (if time allows, we let it sit overnight).

That’s a Bold Strategy, Cotton; How Has it Paid Off for You?

    Take a look at trivia apps. Sure, the games you’ve been playing buzz and flash when you get a dumb question right, but when’s the last time one made you smile? Those games are so dry, some of them have to lure you into a bar and get you liquored up so they can trick you into thinking you’re having fun. As we all know, alcohol has one specific purpose, and if you’re using it to lie to yourself, you’re probably an idiot.

    We took the old-fashioned, grandpa trivia game, marinated it in our proprietary sauce, and let it loose. You can see the results HERE.

    It doesn’t end with trivia, though; we’re just getting started.

Why We Do It

    Money (duh). Not necessarily a lot, but enough to live comfortably, educate our kids, and give something back. And if we can all have fun in the process, then that's like a bonus, and we won't have to pay people as much to do our work. Remind me to add that to our business plan.

Get Involved!

    We're on the Face-thing and Twit-Twit! We should totally be internet buddies! We promise to be funny at all times, unless we need to be serious about something, in which case we'll also be ironic and/or sarcastic.

Get Social with Us

    Visit Celestial Moose on Facebook! that is where all the fun is.

Celestial Moose | Promote Your Page Too

    Remember that trivia game we mentioned earlier? It’s called KNODAT?, and we’re also hooked up to Face-Friends and the Twivver there too! Why? It was free!.

KNODAT? | Promote Your Page Too

The Last Word

    Why "Celestial Moose", you might ask? The name was born, fully formed and quite unbidden, during the planning stages of an epic bachelor party. Complex alcohol-based rituals soon followed, and the rest is, like, super-secret, so please stop asking.

    We operate in the Philadelphia area, except for that one guy in Chicago, and the other one in the mountains. We don't talk about the guy in the basement, and you shouldn't either.

Contact Us

Email info

    If you've got something to say that you don't want the whole world to see, you should send us an email at support@celestialmoose.com.

 Celestial Moose